Collaborative Scientific Research Programme
CEFIPRA considers and supports research groups through high quality collaborative research projects in advanced areas of basic and applied science to nurture scientific competency in India and France. Proposals can be made in any discipline of science and technology, provided they are original, collaborative and of high scientific quality.
A proposal should be jointly submitted by one Principal Collaborator from India and one Principal Collaborator from France. There cannot be a second Principal Collaborator or Joint Principal Collaborator on either side. The two Principal Collaborators shall be responsible for conducting the project. In addition to the two Principal Collaborators, there may also be one or more Joint Collaborator(s) from India and France. The Joint Collaborators may be from the same institutions as the respective Principal Collaborators or from other institutions. A collaborator should have permanent position in an University/R&D institution of his/her respective country. Any change of Principal Collaborator(s) or Joint Collaborator(s) or the institution(s) where the work is being carried out should be done with the permission of CEFIPRA.